Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly Update Week 12

Well, week 12 wasn't too shabby. I lost 3.4lbs and Jordan lost 5 lbs. Jordan is officially under his dukan diet target weight of 208 (now weighing in at 201) and he wants to lose about 5 more lbs before he moves onto phase 3. I still have a ways to go, but I feel great and I'm losing weight. Only 1 more lbs and I reach my 50 lbs goal!!! Yeah!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Update

Well, just down a pound. But a pound off is a pound gone!! So, yay me! Jordan lost 4 lbs this week. But he didn't do so swell this last week since he gained a pound. So, just goes to show cheating on the diet is not advised and you will gain weight back.

Anyway, here's to a better next week. I don't know why, but the last couple of days I've woken up with swollen hands. I guess it's this hot weather we're having. So, anyway, I think I'm a little bloated. I guess I better drink more water to get my body to regulate itself somehow. But, I do drink 8+ cups a day already. All well....better luck next time :o)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Update

Well, I did it! I lost 7.4 lbs this last week! So much better than 0 lbs like last week. Just goes to show, if you have one bad week, you can't let it bring you down. You have potential, even when you've been on the diet for 2 1/2 months as I have. You can still lose a lot of weight without starving or spending hours at the gym every day. Just eat healthy, stay active, and you can achieve great things.

Only 5.4 lbs to go and I hit my 50 lbs weight goal. That means new pictures and a new shirt! Yay me!

I'm not sure what Jordan lost. If he told me this morning I can't remember. On a side note, Jordan has lost so much weight, he lost his wedding ring. Yep, slid right of his finger and now it's lost. So, if you by chance happen to find a white gold wedding band, please let us know!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Update

Well, I knew the day would come. It always does. Sometimes it takes a few weeks into the diet, sometimes a few months. So I lost nothing...but I gained nothing. So, having said that, I did good. I think I may do the attack phase again and just eat protiens to re-jump start my diet.

Jordan lost 8 lbs this week, but considering he only lost 1 lbs the week before, it makes sense. So good job hun!!! Keep up the good work. If you have a minute and a heart, send some of that diet mojo this way please! :o)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekly Update

Well, this week I've lost......drumroll....5 lbs! Yay!! This is great for being in the diet 2 months now. I'd like to lose this much every week, hehe. But, I know it fluctuates and things go little by little at times. But, no complaints here. I'm not sure what Jordan lost, as he left for work before 4 am and I'm not sure whether I was not awake enough to hear him or he didn't wake me up. So, just guessing, I think he beat me out. We've both been working hard in the yard getting it ready for spring planting.

Well, bring it week 9!