Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekly Update

Last week I didn't update, but I lost .2 lbs. Not much, but every little bit adds up.

Well, I've done it!! In 36 weeks I've lost 107 lbs and have met my goal of 185 lbs!!!! Yay!!!! I feel great! And I feel so blessed to have been able to find this diet which has not only helped me, but Jordan as well. My family all looks so good now!! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weekly Update

Well, I slacked off a little this week on updating the blog! Sorry!! I've been terribly busy and I've finally managed to catch a minute before midnight!  Well, last week wasn't the ground breaker of my diet, but I maintained. After losing over 2lbs the week before, it stands to reason I'd stay the same a week to allow my body to "catch up". So, having said that, I still have 1.6 lbs to lose before I've met my goal. SO CLOSE!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekly Update

I'm so close now!! I've lost 2.4 lbs this week! For a running total of: 105.2!! I have less than 2lbs to lose to my first weight goal!! So excited!! I should be able to hit this within a week or two. And then I'll keep going until my body decides to even out. But, that won't stop me from posting pictures when I hit the goal of 185lbs! I can't believe I've made it this far and in less than a year. It's is truly amazing. Especially considering I've had two babies! I'm in pre-kid sizes right now.

The other day I went to the store to try some clothes on. I grabbed a size 14 and size 12 pant thinking one size would fit for certain. Low and behold, I picked out two sizes that were too big! I had to go find a pair of pants in a size 10!! I haven't been a size 10 since 2006!! Go me!