Friday, February 10, 2012

Goals and Rewards

Every good diet has rewards...right? At least in my world they do. So, I've set myself some goals and rewards once I reach those goals. The rewards have a few rules, however. None of the rewards can be based around food (I am trying to loose the weight here, not put it back on!). The rewards also have to be something I can look forward to.

Goal 1: -30 lbs
Reward: New walking shoes. Self explanatory. I need a good pair to keep me a goin'.

Goal 2: -50 lbs
Reward: 1 new article of clothing (I don't plan on buying anything new [bras don't count here ladies!!!] until I've reached my goal. So, for the duration of the diet I'll be shopping at the DI/Salvation Army. I know this sort of stinks, but at the same time, why buy clothes that won't fit for long? Makes

Goal: -75 lbs
Reward: New exercise outfit

Goal: -107lbs
Reward: New family pictures! Yeah!! I love getting family pictures and I'll be even more excited when I'm looking great.

Great goals/rewards, no? I'm already looking forward to them!!! My first weigh-in, T-Minus 4 days.


  1. I am so excited to watch you on this journey. I think rewards are a great way to stay motivated. I love your last reward family pictures. There is nothing better than strutting your stuff at the end of a long and hard road. Way to be!!!

    Oh and I like how you said you are doing this for your kids future. I think a lot of people forget that they are shaping their children’s future. I think that is more motivation than anything else, you ARE doing this for your kids not only on a healthy level but on an emotional and mental level. Having them watch you work hard for something you want lets them know that they can do anything they put their minds too. Awesome, totally awesome!!!

    1. Thanks Megs! I'm so glad someone is reading this blog besides me!! Although, I admit, it's great to journal this journey down. I want my kids to know and I'm glad they're able to watch both Mommy and Daddy go through this. All good things come with hard worth, nothing good ever came easy.
